
About iKala

About Us

iKala is a leading AI transformation solutions provider from Taiwan, with a mission to "enable AI competencies" of enterprises by providing AI-driven cloud management and MarTech solutions, to optimize their operational efficiency and increase customer engagement. iKala's solutions and SaaS products are available in 7 countries, enabling over 1,000 enterprises and top-tier brands, including Fortune 500 companies, to transform their business.

iKala implements a state-of-the-art DAA flywheel (Digitalization, Analytics, and Application flywheel) framework, by using its cloud and new retail services from iKala Cloud business and iKala MarTech business, to provide a clear roadmap and strategy for AI adoption.

  • Digitalization

    Enterprises build cloud infrastructure to accelerate data integration and management, and strengthen the foundation of digital transformation.

  • Analytics

    Enterprises strengthen analytics capability and data-driven decision making culture with the off-the-box machine learning services.

  • Application

    Enterprises use iKala's AI-powered MarTech to do performance-based advertising campaigns for customer acquisitions.

Vision and Mission

Artificial intelligence is transforming human society: now and the future. Our mission is to empower business with AI and make the technology beneficial to every stakeholders from individuals, organizations to enterprises.

iKala Golden Circle